NJHKI launched “Grow. Prepare. Eat.”—a free virtual food literacy program offered during Summer 2020. For this pilot program, 50 participants are engaging in a six-week virtual food literacy class to learn about the source of their food, the process that food goes through from seed to plate, and how to choose, prepare, and enjoy healthy, safe, and tasty meals and snacks
The program began when Abigail Daniel, a masters of public health candidate at Rutgers School of Public Health, approached the NJHKI team about doing a food literacy program for kids as part of her practicum hours. NJHKI had already conducted such activities in the Culture of Health Academy kitchen at IFNH for the Scarlet Kids summer camp program at Rutgers, so the infrastructure already was in place. When honors student Gabriela Harrison, a nutritional science major at Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, joined the effort–they were ready to roll. To read more, check out the full article here.